On Halloween I went to my friends house who was having a Halloween party. We did trick or treating but it was really strange. Go to peoples doors and demand for sweets. Mum told me that in Scotland, they do guising. Guising is like Trick or Treating but you actually need to do some kind of trick example: practise a poem, a song, put on a mini play or tell a joke, so you actually earn your sweets. For Halloween I dressed up as a black cat, I thought "oh well every one's going to be witches, Vampires, Dracula and so on but I'l be a cat! but of course thee was like 4 people dressed up as cats at the party!
Home from the Party
We snuggled up after the trick or treating and watched a movie called The Adams Family and it was really funny.

When we got home from the Party I was exhausted. it was about 10.15 pm. It was really funny when I took my hair down and it was really wavy.
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