Wednesday 13 March 2013

Yule Traditions: Festive Feast & Present Day

We don't really celebrate Christmas but when everyone around us is celebrating it would be rubbish to miss out. We like to eat yummy food and get presents too.  We pick and choose and mix up traditions from Finland, Hungary and the UK.

People in Finland and Hungary normally celebrate Christmas on the 24th December. They eat their dinner and get the presents afterwards. We normally decorate our Fényfa in the morning (remember it only got the lights on at Solstice) then do a lot of cooking and have our feast. My favourite things from our feast this year was the onion tarts we had to start and the garlic spinach. We don't get our presents on this day though.

When we all wake in the morning we light a lot of candles and last year I made a pretty candle for mum which she saved to light this year. Then we opent the presents tht are under the Fényfa. Our presents aren't from Santa or Jésuska (Little Jesus brings presents in Hungary not Santa) they are just from our family. When I was little though I used to think it was the postman who put the presents there adn I was 6 when I realised it was Mum and Dad who did it.

This year I got lots of books, a clarinet, a spirograph, a Star Wars Lego game and my very first Pointe shoes for ballet. Because we ate our feast the day before we have the whole day to play with our new things.

 My dad made these really nice catupults. You will ssee more of them later...

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