There are two kinds of solstice. Summer solstice and Winter solstice. Around 10 o'clock (PM) on the 21st of December was winter solstice: The longest night and after that it stops being so dark again and then eventually it's summer solstice and after that it gets darker and darker until winter solstice. Winter solstice is when the north (or the top of the planet) is facing furthest away from the sun so it also means it is the darkest if you live north of the Equator but if you live south it's probably extremely bright. Summer solstice is the opposite. When we lived in Finland it was a big thing because as you see, it gets very dark there and the day can sometimes last only a matter of a few hours. We would have a solstice party on the 22nd to celebrate the sun coming back and it did mean a lot to us and our friends. We would have the party at 10 am as that was when sun rise was but since we moved to England ( a year a go) we still have it at 10 am because none of us (except for Ernest my little brother) would be capable of getting out of bed at 6 am. though I found a picture on the internet of Winter in the north while summer in the south. You also get equinox. Spring and Autumn, That's when the planet is completely strait and the heat is acutely balanced out. although not completely acutely because the equator since the world is a spear, is still closest to the sun.
I post this cos I find it rather interesting and I hope others do to.
P.S In my last post I sayd that next would be a post called the Mad scientists but that has not got any were:)